Empowering advisors to grow c

Cash flow conversations build confidence for advisors and clients.

Attract Prospects

Everyone is interested in cash flow, even high-income earners, but few advisors properly address it.

I tried spreadsheets, I tried budgeting tools, I tried banking software - - nothing really seemed to work. I finally met an advisor who introduced me to Cash Flow Mapping. After using it for just a couple of months the results have been astounding!
Jared J. Financial Advisor Client

Win More Clients

This collaborative process creates immediate value which builds trust and confidence, leading to more sales.

I recently used CFM with a client and had great results. The simple, easy-to-use format allowed me together with the client to map out their current cash flow and where it is going. It is a great exercise with a couple because it takes them through a systematized "walk through" of their monthly cash flow, only focusing on the main monthly expenses. The end result was we identified $3,000 of free cash flow that was being lost to day-to-day life. By capturing some of that for planning, the clients felt relieved knowing they could obtain the desired 20 percent savings level quicker than they thought. In one meeting we were able to obtain a $2,000 monthly savings commitment. I would highly recommend this tool to other advisers. It is simple, intuitive, and most importantly effective.
Robert P. CFP

Create Raving Fans

Create raving fans who refer clients because of the tangible improvements made in their life now, as compared to the possibility of improvements made in the distant future.

CFM has greatly helped with growing my business through referrals, since people feel like you've made a difference in their lives--and you have! They see the value and tell their friends.
Matt C. Financial Advisor

Don't just take our word for it...

Advisors and their clients are using and loving Cash Flow Mapping to simplify their cash flow and reach bigger goals.